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Tag: Zero-days

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A crypto wallet maker's warning about an iMessage bug sounds like a false alarm | TechCrunch

A crypto wallet maker claimed this week that hackers may be targeting people with an iMessage “zero-day” exploit — but all signs point to an exaggerated threat, if not a downright scam.

Trust Wallet’s official X (previously Twitter) account wrote that “we have credible intel regarding a high-risk zero-day exploit targeting iMessage on the Dark Web. This can infiltrate your iPhone without clicking any link. High-value targets are likely. Each use raises detection risk.”

The wallet maker recommended iPhone users to turn off iMessage completely “until Apple patches this,” even though no evidence shows that “this” exists at all.

The tweet went viral, and has been viewed over 3.6 million times as of our publication. Because of the attention the post received, Trust Wallet hours later wrote a follow-up post. The wallet maker doubled down on its decision to go public, saying that it “actively communicates any potential threats and risks to the community.”

Trust Wallet, which is owned by crypto exchange Binance, did not respond to TechCrunch’s request for comment. Apple spokesperson Scott Radcliffe declined to comment when reached Tuesday.

As it turns out, according to Trust Wallet’s CEO Eowyn Chen, the “intel” is an advertisement on a dark web site called CodeBreach Lab, where someone is offering said alleged exploit for $2 million in bitcoin cryptocurrency. The advert titled “iMessage Exploit” claims the vulnerability is a remote code execution (or RCE) exploit that requires no interaction from the target — commonly known as “zero-click” exploit — and works on the latest version of iOS. Some bugs are called zero-days because the vendor has no time, or zero days, to fix the vulnerability. In this case, there is no evidence of an exploit to begin with.

A screenshot of the dark web ad claiming to sell an alleged iMessage exploit. Image Credits: TechCrunch

RCEs are some of the most powerful exploits because they allow hackers to remotely take control of their target devices over the internet. An exploit like an RCE coupled with a zero-click capability is incredibly valuable because those attacks can be conducted invisibly without the device owner knowing. In fact, a company that acquires and resells zero-days is currently offering between $3 to $5 million for that kind of zero-click zero-day, which is also a sign of how hard it is to find and develop these types of exploits.

Contact Us

Do you have any information about actual zero-days? Or about spyware providers? From a non-work device, you can contact Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai securely on Signal at +1 917 257 1382, or via Telegram, Keybase and Wire @lorenzofb, or email. You also can contact TechCrunch via SecureDrop.

Given the circumstances of how and where this zero-day is being sold, it’s very likely that it is all just a scam, and that Trust Wallet fell for it, spreading what people in the cybersecurity industry would call FUD, or “fear uncertainty and doubt.”

Zero-days do exist, and have been used by government hacking units for years. But in reality, you probably don’t need to turn off iMessage unless you are a high-risk user, such as a journalist or dissident under an oppressive government, for example.

It’s better advice to suggest people turn on Lockdown Mode, a special mode that disables certain Apple device features and functionalities with the goal of reducing the avenues hackers can use to attack iPhones and Macs.

According to Apple, there is no evidence anyone has successfully hacked someone’s Apple device while using Lockdown Mode. Several cybersecurity experts like Runa Sandvik and the researchers who work at Citizen Lab, who have investigated dozens of cases of iPhone hacks, recommend using Lockdown Mode.

For its part, CodeBreach Lab appears to be a new website with no track record. When we checked, a search on Google returned only seven results, one of which is a post on a well-known hacking forum asking if anyone had previously heard of CodeBreach Lab.

On its homepage — with typos — CodeBreach Lab claims to offer several types of exploits other than for iMessage, but provides no further evidence.

The owners describe CodeBreach Lab as “the nexus of cyber disruption.” But it would probably be more fitting to call it the nexus of braggadocio and naivety.

TechCrunch could not reach CodeBreach Lab for comment because there is no way to contact the alleged company. When we attempted to buy the alleged exploit — because why not — the website asked for the buyer’s name, email address, and then to send $2 million in bitcoin to a specific wallet address on the public blockchain. When we checked, nobody has so far.

In other words, if someone wants this alleged zero-day, they have to send $2 million to a wallet that, at this point, there is no way to know who it belongs to, nor — again — any way to contact.

And there is a very good chance that it will remain that way.

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Robotic Automations

Price of zero-day exploits rises as companies harden products against hackers | TechCrunch

Tools that allow government hackers to break into iPhones and Android phones, popular software like the Chrome and Safari browsers, and chat apps like WhatsApp and iMessage, are now worth millions of dollars — and their price has multiplied in the last few years as these products get harder to hack.

On Monday, startup Crowdfense published its updated price list for these hacking tools, which are commonly known as “zero-days” because they rely on unpatched vulnerabilities in software that are unknown to the makers of that software. Companies like Crowdfense and one of its competitors, Zerodium, claim to acquire these zero-days with the goal of reselling them to other organizations, usually government agencies or government contractors, which claim they need the hacking tools to track or spy on criminals.

Crowdfense is now offering between $5 million and $7 million for zero-days to break into iPhones; up to $5 million for zero-days to break into Android phones; up to $3 million and $3.5 million for Chrome and Safari zero-days, respectively; and $3 million to $5 million for WhatsApp and iMessage zero-days.

In its previous price list, published in 2019, the highest payouts that Crowdfense was offering were $3 million for Android and iOS zero-days.

The increase in prices comes as companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft are making it harder to hack their devices and apps, which means their users are better protected.

“It should be harder year over year to exploit whatever software we’re using, whatever devices we’re using,” said Dustin Childs, who is the head of threat awareness at Trend Micro ZDI. Unlike Crowdfense and Zerodium, ZDI pays researchers to acquire zero-days, then reports them to the companies affected with the goal of getting the vulnerabilities fixed.

“As more zero-day vulnerabilities are discovered by threat intelligence teams like Google’s, and platform protections continue to improve, the time and effort required from attackers increases, resulting in an increase in cost for their findings,” said Shane Huntley, the head of Google’s Threat Analysis Group, which tracks hackers and the use of zero-days.

In a report last month, Google said it saw hackers use 97 zero-day vulnerabilities in the wild in 2023. Spyware vendors, which often work with zero-day brokers, were responsible for 75% of zero-days targeting Google products and Android, according to the company.

People in and around the zero-day industry agree that the job of exploiting vulnerabilities is getting harder.

David Manouchehri, a security analyst with knowledge of the zero-day market, said that “hard targets like Google’s Pixel and the iPhone have been becoming harder to hack every year. I expect the cost to continue to increase significantly over time.”

“The mitigations that vendors are implementing are working, and it’s leading the whole trade to become much more complicated, much more time-consuming, and so clearly this is then reflected in the price,” Paolo Stagno, the director of research at Crowdfense, told TechCrunch.

Contact Us

Do you know more zero-day brokers? Or about spyware providers? From a non-work device, you can contact Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai securely on Signal at +1 917 257 1382, or via Telegram, Keybase and Wire @lorenzofb, or email. You also can contact TechCrunch via SecureDrop.

Stagno explained that in 2015 or 2016, it was possible for only one researcher to find one or more zero-days and develop them into a full-fledged exploit targeting iPhones or Androids. Now, he said, “this thing is almost impossible,” as it requires a team of several researchers, which also causes prices to go up.

Crowdfense currently offers the highest publicly known prices to date outside of Russia, where a company called Operation Zero announced last year that it was willing to pay up to $20 million for tools to hack iPhones and Android devices. The prices in Russia, however, may be inflated because of the war in Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions, which could discourage or outright prevent people from dealing with a Russian company.

Outside of the public view, it’s possible that governments and companies are paying even higher prices.

“The prices Crowdfense is offering researchers for individual Chrome [Remote Code Execution] and [Sandbox Escape] exploits are below market rate from what I have seen in the zero-day industry,” said Manouchehri, who previously worked at Linchpin Labs, a startup that focused on developing and selling zero-days. Linchpin Labs was acquired by U.S. defense contractor L3 Technologies (now known as L3Harris) in 2018.

Alfonso de Gregorio, the founder of Zeronomicon, an Italy-based startup that acquires zero-days, agreed, telling TechCrunch that prices could “certainly” be higher.

Zero-days have been used in court-approved law enforcement operations. In 2016, the FBI used a zero-day provided by a startup called Azimuth to break into the iPhone of one of the shooters who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, according to The Washington Post. In 2020, Motherboard revealed that the FBI — with the help of Facebook and an unnamed third-party company — used a zero-day to track down a man who was later convicted for harassing and extorting young girls online.

There have also been several cases where zero-days and spyware have allegedly been used to target human rights dissidents and journalists in Ethiopia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, among other countries with poor human rights records. There have also been similar cases of alleged abuse in democratic countries like Greece, Mexico, Poland, and Spain. (Neither Crowdfense, Zerodium, or Zeronomicon, have ever been accused of being involved in similar cases.)

Zero-day brokers, as well as spyware companies like NSO Group and Hacking Team have often been criticized for selling its products to unsavory governments. In response, some of them now pledge to respect export controls in an effort to limit potential abuses from their customers.

Stagno said that Crowdfense follows the embargoes and sanctions imposed by the United States — even if the company is based in the United Arab Emirates. For example, Stagno said that the company wouldn’t sell to Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Syria — all on U.S. sanctions lists.

“Everything the U.S. does, we are on the ball,” Stagno said, adding that if an existing customer gets on the U.S. sanctions list, Crowdfense would abandon it. “All the companies and governments directly sanctioned by the USA are excluded.”

At least one company, spyware consortium Intellexa, is on Crowdfense’s particular blocklist.

“I can’t tell you whether it has been a customer of ours and whether it has stopped being one,” Stagno said. “However, as far as I am concerned now at this moment Intellexa could not be a customer of ours.”

In March, the U.S. government announced sanctions against Intellexa’s founder Tal Dilian as well as a business associate of his, the first time the government imposed sanctions on individuals involved in the spyware industry. Intellexa and its partner company Cytrox was also sanctioned by the U.S., making it harder for the companies, as well as the people running it, to continue doing business.

These sanctions have caused concern in the spyware industry, as TechCrunch reported.

Intellexa’s spyware has been reported to have been used against U.S. congressman Michael McCaul, U.S. senator John Hoeven, and the president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, among others.

De Gregorio, the founder of Zeronomicon, declined to say who the company sells to. On its site, the company has published a code of business ethics, which includes vetting customers with the goal of avoiding doing business “with entities known for abusing human rights,” and respecting export controls.

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