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Tag: venture

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Matter Venture Partners raises $300M first fund to invest in 'hard tech' | TechCrunch

Wen Hsieh and Haomiao Huang, both Kleiner Perkins investors, left the firm in 2023 to start their own venture capital fund called Matter Venture Partners. The firm had backing from Kleiner and Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC.

Hsieh was a longtime KPer, having been there for 17 years; Huang had been there four years. With a passion for what they call “hard tech,” Hsieh invested in companies like microLED display technology company LuxVue, acquired by Apple; Amprius, which makes high-energy density lithium-ion batteries; drone maker DJI; and 3D printing company Desktop Metal, which went public via SPAC in 2020. Huang and Hsieh co-led investments in companies like the robotics company Dexterity and the CT scanning company Lumafield.

On Thursday, they announced the closing of a $300 million inaugural fund. Hsieh told TechCrunch it’s considered one of the largest “first funds” raised in 2023. The median venture fund raised that year was around $37 million, according to a PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor report.

Matter Venture Partners was initially going for a $200 million fund, and Hsieh acknowledged that “it was a tough time for everybody” — startups and venture capitalists alike — to raise money in 2023.

“We had gone into it anticipating such difficulty and had very modest expectations,” Hsieh said. “But to our surprise, it went really well for us. We closed $300 million last year, in its entirety, and were significantly oversubscribed.”

Knowing when to say “when”

Figuring out the best amount to close the fund is a bit like being “Goldilocks,” Hsieh said. Matter Venture Partners invests at the large seed rounds, Series A and Series B.

Wen Hsieh, co-founder of Matter Venture Partners. Image Credits: Matter Venture Partners

If a fund is undercapitalized, it may not be able to be competitive in deals or won’t be able to support portfolio companies across several rounds, he explained. Overcapitalized and it may have too much money to deploy within a two- or three-year lifetime fund cycle. That could also lead to writing too many checks or sizes of checks that are too big for the appropriate fundraising.

He believes that Matter Venture Partners’ focus on hard tech was the reason for the oversubscription. “The world has realized that most if not many of the foundational technologies and trends of our society today are built on hard tech,” he said. “That really puts wind behind ourselves. We came out successful and unscathed in a very positive way, and we’re very lucky to have raised money at a tough time.”

In addition to Kleiner LP and TSMC, individuals, entrepreneurs and family offices also back the fund. Hsieh, Huang and operating partner Mel Tang are also LPs in the fund.

Leveraging operating partners

Matter Venture Partners provides a unique aspect of having operating partners, which Hsieh said is typically something only larger firms have. One is Mel Tang, former CFO of video doorbell company Ring, which was later acquired by Amazon.

Tang has experience in operations, supply chain management and manufacturing unit economics, and Hsieh believes having expertise like this early-on in the life of a hard tech startup is a good value-add.

In terms of how Matter Venture Partners works with founders, the partners say they pride themselves on being company builders, but not at the expense of getting in the way of founders, Hsieh said. They like to be coaches, partners and jump in, all where appropriate.

All about hard tech

Haomiao Huang, co-founder of Matter Venture Partners. Image Credits: Matter Venture Partners

They put “hard tech” into six buckets: semiconductors everywhere, robotization due to blue-collar labor shortage, generative AI, manufacturing on-shoring and friend-shoring, energy building blocks and life science automation.

“The common theme around these six areas is that we like to invest in the next ‘picks and shovels’ for all six of these trends,” Hsieh said. “There are many gold rushes ongoing, but we would like to provide the ‘picks and shovels’ in every case. We like to fund them and entrepreneurs that contribute to these new innovations.”

So far, Matter Venture Partners has invested in six companies not made public yet. It also doubled down on a few that came from the pair’s Kleiner Perkins days, including Ambiq Micro, a company Hsieh described as “a key player in edge AI,” which is a concept of more easily running AI workloads.

“It’s all about low power,” he said. “The big talk is about how much energy does it consume for inference, or how much energy for training? Ambiq is a world leader in making ultra-low-powered chips. They’ve dominated wearables, and now they’re parlaying that into edge AI applications. The product is having a huge impact, and we’re riding a new wave of energy-efficient AI awareness.”

Ultimately, Matter Venture Partners will invest in between 15 and 20 companies with the new fund, Hsieh said.

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Carta, the cap table management outfit, is accused of unethical tactics by a customer after it tries brokering a deal for the startup's shares without consent | TechCrunch

Carta, an ambitious 12-year-old Silicon Valley outfit, has gone through numerous iterations over time, originally inviting investors, startups, and employees to use its software to manage their cap tables and later aspiring to evolve into a “private stock market for companies,” as founder Henry Ward once told TechCrunch. As he explained back in 2019: “Now that you have this network of companies and investors all on one platform and the ability to transfer securities, you can build liquidity on top of it.”

The strategy boosted Carta’s valuation in recent years. But a prominent customer is now accusing Carta of misusing sensitive information that startups entrust to the company in pursuit of its own ambitions. The claim is raising wider questions about how Carta operates, even as Carta argues the incident was isolated.

On Friday, Finnish CEO Karri Saarinen posted on LinkedIn that he had received surprising news about Linear – the project management software company he co-founded four years ago and that raised $35 million in funding this fall. Linear is a Carta customer, and according to Saarinen, earlier on Friday, without his consent or knowledge, a representative from Carta reached out to an angel investor in Linear, telling the individual that Carta had a “firm buy order” from either an individual or an institution — the Carta representative didn’t say —  at a specific price, though this buyer might be willing to “flex higher,” said the Carta employee in an email.

As it turns out, that angel investor is related to Saarinen and immediately alerted him to the email outreach. Clearly feeling betrayed by Carta, Saarinen wrote on LinkedIn, “This might be the end of Carta as the trusted platform for startups. As a founder it feels kind shitty that Carta, who I trust to manage our cap table, is now doing cold outreach to our angel investors about selling Linear shares to their non disclosed buyers.” Continued Saarinen, “They never contacted us (their customer) about starting an order book for Linear shares. The investor they reached out to is a family member whose investment we never published anywhere. We and they never opted in to any kind of secondary sales. Yet Carta Liquidity found their email and knew that they owned Linear shares.”

The post took on a life of its own – thousands have “liked” it and it has drawn nearly 800 comments – before Ward waded into the conversation to apologize. Ward also said the email to the Linear investor was not something that Carta condoned.  Wrote Ward: “Hii Karri and everyone, I’m appalled that this happened. We are still investigating but it appears that Friday morning an employee violated our internal procedures and went out of bounds reaching out to customers they shouldn’t have. This impacted Karri’s company and two other companies. We have contacted the other two companies and are continuing to investigate. If you have any other information please reach out to me directly at to let me know while we continue our investigation.”

TechCrunch reached out to Ward for more information yesterday; he has not responded.

Saarinen meanwhile continued to post on LinkedIn that the incident seemed anything but isolated. “So far I’ve heard from 4 of our investors who were approached with the same email. All of them were the early pre-seed investors. Also heard from 2 companies who had this happen to them. One of them a prominent AI company.”

He further posted on X that, “I’ve learned from multiple companies that this has been going on for months or even years where investors or employees of private companies are solicited by Carta employees to put their shares on sale. These people haven’t opted in to this and companies haven’t approved these sales.”

Asked for comment, Saarinen told TechCrunch via email last night that, “I’m retiring from this fight, this already has consumed too much of my time . . . My trust in Carta hasn’t recovered after talking to the CEO.” Added Saarinen, “I hope Carta takes action on these issues but likely we will be moving on to another service as we no longer have confidence in them.”

TechCrunch also reached out to numerous Carta board members to ask about the practice.

One of them, venture capitalist Matt Murphy of Menlo Ventures, echoed what Ward told Saarinen on Linkedin, writing to TechCrunch via email that: “Carta does not use customer cap table data. The cap table business and the CartaX (private stock liquidity) business are separate business units with separate teams and leadership. There was a breach of this protocol from an employee on the CartaX team that has been dealt with and which we learned from.”

Meanwhile, startup founders are following the conversation and comparing notes.

As another founder told TechCrunch this morning, “I am a customer of Carta. I just learned about all of the weird stuff going on with them going behind companies’ backs to offer secondaries. I haven’t been affected by it, but I would be furious if I learned they were peddling shares in my company without my knowledge. I am definitely considering switching platforms.”

Companies ultimately have to approve transactions relating to secondary sales, notes Murphy. In a market where few companies are getting acquired or going public, equity shareholders are more amenable than perhaps management teams would like to selling their shares. Writes Murphy, “Almost every board meeting I go to, some employee is selling stock and we have to allow, exercise our ROFR and sometimes block if we can.”

Still, he suggests, Carta’s process is fairly straightforward — and ethical. “With Carta, they have a tender product where they coordinate directly with the company to help a process they would run. Then in the case of CartaX marketplace, we verify a buyer and confirm their demand, and they we use public sources of data like Crunchbase and Pitchbook to find potential supply to match the buyer.”

For Carta, the unflattering attention it is receiving owing to its dealings with Linear is the latest in a stream of bad publicity. Last October, Ward even emailed customers, telling them that if they are concerned about “negative press” tied to the outfit, they should read a Medium post of his. The move appeared only to call more attention to the many reported problems plaguing the company.

Carta kicked off 2023 by suing its former CTO. But it has been embroiled in numerous other lawsuits over the years.  In 2020, the company’s former VP of marketing sued Carta, accusing the outfit of gender discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination and of violating the California Equal Pay Act. (TechCrunch featured that case here.) Soon after, four employees spoke on the record with The New York Times, telling the outlet that when they voiced concerns about the way the company is run, they were sidelined, demoted or given pay cuts.

The company has also been accused of poor customer service. TechCrunch year interviewed numerous Carta customers who expressed dissatisfaction with the company and its representatives. One, a fund manager who is in the midst of transitioning off the platform currently, told TC that his team had “four different account managers in the less than a two-year engagement at Carta; it certainly didn’t help with continuity and understanding of our fund and needs.”

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Tulsa's tech scene remains resilient amid state's anti-DEI efforts | TechCrunch

Oklahoma took a stand against diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) last month. The state’s governor, Kevin Stitt, signed an executive order defunding DEI efforts in public colleges and universities and banning it in other state agencies.

He said the move would take “politics out of education” and encourage “equal opportunity rather than promising equal outcomes.” Affirmative action itself has been banned in the state since 2012.

This latest executive order does not target student organizations, but it does ban state resources from being used for diversity training and asks for a review of current DEI programs to eliminate any “non-critical personnel.” Oklahoma is following in the footsteps of Florida, Texas, South Dakota, North Carolina and Tennessee in attempting to curb DEI initiatives at public colleges.

But public colleges aren’t the only ones being affected; this is part of a broader backlash to DEI that has become prevalent in many industries, from technology to academia to fashion. Supporters of DEI say these initiatives help everyone get ahead, especially marginalized communities that have been historically disenfranchised. Critics call DEI-related work a form of discrimination.

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