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Tag: access

Robotic Automations

PVML combines an AI-centric data access and analysis platform with differential privacy | TechCrunch

Enterprises are hoarding more data than ever to fuel their AI ambitions, but at the same time, they are also worried about who can access this data, which is often of a very private nature. PVML is offering an interesting solution by combining a ChatGPT-like tool for analyzing data with the safety guarantees of differential privacy. Using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), PVML can access a corporation’s data without moving it, taking away another security consideration.

The Tel Aviv-based company recently announced that it has raised an $8 million seed round led by NFX, with participation from FJ Labs and Gefen Capital.

Image Credits: PVML

The company was founded by husband-and-wife team Shachar Schnapp (CEO) and Rina Galperin (CTO). Schnapp got his doctorate in computer science, specializing in differential privacy, and then worked on computer vision at General Motors, while Galperin got her master’s in computer science with a focus on AI and natural language processing and worked on machine learning projects at Microsoft.

“A lot of our experience in this domain came from our work in big corporates and large companies where we saw that things are not as efficient as we were hoping for as naive students, perhaps,” Galperin said. “The main value that we want to bring organizations as PVML is democratizing data. This can only happen if you, on one hand, protect this very sensitive data, but, on the other hand, allow easy access to it, which today is synonymous with AI. Everybody wants to analyze data using free text. It’s much easier, faster and more efficient — and our secret sauce, differential privacy, enables this integration very easily.”

Differential privacy is far from a new concept. The core idea is to ensure the privacy of individual users in large data sets and provide mathematical guarantees for that. One of the most common ways to achieve this is to introduce a degree of randomness into the data set, but in a way that doesn’t alter the data analysis.

The team argues that today’s data access solutions are ineffective and create a lot of overhead. Often, for example, a lot of data has to be removed in the process of enabling employees to gain secure access to data — but that can be counterproductive because you may not be able to effectively use the redacted data for some tasks (plus the additional lead time to access the data means real-time use cases are often impossible).

Image Credits: PVML

The promise of using differential privacy means that PVML’s users don’t have to make changes to the original data. This avoids almost all of the overhead and unlocks this information safely for AI use cases.

Virtually all the large tech companies now use differential privacy in one form or another, and make their tools and libraries available to developers. The PVML team argues that it hasn’t really been put into practice yet by most of the data community.

“The current knowledge about differential privacy is more theoretical than practical,” Schnapp said. “We decided to take it from theory to practice. And that’s exactly what we’ve done: We develop practical algorithms that work best on data in real-life scenarios.”

None of the differential privacy work would matter if PVML’s actual data analysis tools and platform weren’t useful. The most obvious use case here is the ability to chat with your data, all with the guarantee that no sensitive data can leak into the chat. Using RAG, PVML can bring hallucinations down to almost zero and the overhead is minimal since the data stays in place.

But there are other use cases, too. Schnapp and Galperin noted how differential privacy also allows companies to now share data between business units. In addition, it may also allow some companies to monetize access to their data to third parties, for example.

“In the stock market today, 70% of transactions are made by AI,” said Gigi Levy-Weiss, NFX general partner and co-founder. “That’s a taste of things to come, and organizations who adopt AI today will be a step ahead tomorrow. But companies are afraid to connect their data to AI, because they fear the exposure — and for good reasons. PVML’s unique technology creates an invisible layer of protection and democratizes access to data, enabling monetization use cases today and paving the way for tomorrow.”

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Robotic Automations

Century Health, now with $2M, taps AI to give pharma access to good patient data | TechCrunch

Artificial intelligence can find hidden signals in data across healthcare, and companies like Nvidia are leaning into what this can mean. For example, it announced two dozen new AI-powered tools last week for areas including biotechnology and drug discovery. And Nvidia is not alone.

Century Health is a new startup also getting in on the action. It’s applying AI to clinical data to uncover new applications for drugs. It’s working with pharmaceutical companies and researchers, initially at Yale and UC San Diego, to identify and commercialize the next breakthrough for diseases, like Alzheimer’s, that affect tens of millions of patients.

The mission is a personal one for Century Health’s co-founder and CEO, Vish Srivastava. He watched his grandfather’s Alzheimer’s get to the point where he didn’t recognize Srivastava anymore.

“That sent me down a rabbit hole,” said Srivastava, whose background is in healthcare product development and data. “One of the biggest issues around innovation for new treatments is efficient access to good patient data. This is now only possible because of generative AI. That data sat around for decades because it takes manual effort to normalize and extract insight from it.”

That’s when he teamed up with friend Sanjay Hariharan, a data scientist and applied AI engineer, to form Century Health. They built a platform to extract that hidden data and aggregate it. Researchers and pharma companies subscribe to the platform and can then use that data on approved drugs; to expand to new drugs; or to find insights to expand access to drugs that have already been approved.

The ultimate goal is accelerating access to treatments, Srivastava said.

“Drug development is massively expensive, and on average, takes $1 billion to $2 billion to develop a new drug,” he said. “From the pharma company’s perspective, when their drug is now approved, the mission is to get it to patients as quickly as possible. For us, that also means as affordably as possible with access to good real-world data.”

Now with $2 million pre-seed funding, Century Health will run three to five pilots over the next several months. The goal is to validate the initial technology that collects the data and, most importantly, to see the impact the insights from those data sets can bring, Srivastava said.

He sees these pilots as design partnerships and a way to get feedback on the benefits of drugs, for example, which patient subpopulation might be underrepresented. In addition to the validated technology, another milestone will be to secure early revenue from the pilots, which Century Health can leverage to go after another round of venture capital.

The investment was led by 2048 Ventures with participation from LifeX, Everywhere, Alumni Ventures and a group of angel investors, including Datavant founder Travis May and Evidation founder and CEO Christine Lemke.

Alex Iskold, managing partner of 2048 Ventures, said in a statement, “At 2048 Ventures we have a strong thesis around real-time data, in healthcare and beyond. Vish and Sanjay have a vision to leverage AI and real world patient data to unlock a better feedback loop and ultimately faster and more efficient drug development and commercialization.”

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