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Tag: Wayve

Robotic Automations

Exclusive: Wayve co-founder Alex Kendall on the autonomous future for cars and robots | TechCrunch

U.K.-based autonomous vehicle startup Wayve started life as a software platform loaded into a tiny electric “car” called Renault Twizy. Festooned with cameras, the company’s co-founders and PhD graduates, Alex Kendall and Amar Shah, tuned the deep-learning algorithms powering the car’s autonomous systems until they’d got it to drive around a medieval city unaided. No […]

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Robotic Automations

This year's Met Gala theme is AI deepfakes | TechCrunch

Whether you love or hate celebrity culture, the Met Gala is an event. Those less jaded among us get to see all of the biggest stars take their boldest fashion risks of the year — unlike an award show, it’s an event that encourages avant garde extravagance. And if you find the whole thing vapid, then you can laugh along at how Ed Sheeran’s outfit looks like something Troy Bolton wore in High School Musical 3.

But this year, the Met Gala was a test.

“Katy Perry. That’s it,” one X post read. In the photo, Katy Perry appears to be wearing a massive gown decorated with three-dimensional floral appliques. As the pearlescent gown drapes down to the ground, its long train fades into realistic-looking moss, which cascades across the beige and red Met Gala carpet.


If you look at the image for longer than a passing glance, you could feasibly believe that the “Teenage Dream” singer arrived at fashion’s biggest night wearing this whimsical, woodland-like gown. But in all of the other photos of the Met Gala, the carpet was white and green as part of the “Garden of Time” theme; in this photo, it’s beige and red. Why does Katy appear to be walking a different carpet?

That’s the tell-tale sign that this viral image of Perry is fake. And yet it already has more than 10 million views on X and over 300,000 likes.

Minutes later, another user on X posted another image of Perry. Her lips are slightly parted like she’s surprised by the paparazzi, and she’s wearing a bronze corset that looks like a key to a garden. Unlike the first image, this one actually has the correct color palette and scenery for this year’s gala, but something still feels off. Her floral skirt seems like it was cut and paste onto her body, and the light is hitting her corset in an unnatural way.

So, how do you know it’s fake, as opposed to a strange photo? No fashion magazine has reported on Katy Perry’s look tonight — it doesn’t look like she’s actually attending this year. Meanwhile, Perry cryptically liked both viral tweets, but did not comment on the deceptive posts.

Every year at the Met Gala, Rihanna is among the best dressed. In the days leading up to the event, she promised fans that she would actually get to the event in time for dinner — usually, she’s very fashionably late. She even dyed her hair pink for the occasion.

On the earlier end of the red carpet, an image surfaced of Rihanna wearing a dramatically regal, garden-themed dress. The shoulders balloon into a sculptural halo, embroidered with birds, vines and flowers. But again, despite getting 2.6 million views, the image is not real. Rihanna dyed her hair pink, remember? Like Perry, Rihanna is nowhere in sight. People Magazine reported that Rihanna had to skip Monday evening’s festivities after coming down with the flu.

The consequences of a fake Rihanna dress are pretty minor. But based on Rihanna’s history of nailing the Met Gala theme, would she really take the easy way out wear a floral gown to the “Garden of Time” celebration? Like an AI deepfake Drake song, these synthetic looks were a bit too on the nose, lacking the creativity that makes the Met Gala unique. Could an AI come up with Cynthia Erivo’s brilliant suit, or Lana Del Rey’s creepy-cool woodsy look?

Zendaya, an early front-runner for best dressed, showed up relatively in a blue-green outfit that makes her look like a super chic fairytale villain. Hours later, when an image cropped up of Zendaya wearing a black leather gown and floral headpiece on the carpet, I was braced to believe that it was yet another fake photo. But the truth is stranger: after five years absent from the gala, Zendaya actually walked the carpet twice in two different outfits. Go figure.

Still, each new image of a celebrity served as a call to check the patterns on the carpet, the flowers along the stair railings, and whether or not the paparazzi in the background look a little funky. Usually, the Met Gala is an opportunity to gab about famous people’s outlandish outfits as a brief distraction from our unglamorous Monday nights. But in the age of widespread generative AI tools, celebrity culture serves as a constant reminder that we can’t believe everything we see online.

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Robotic Automations

Wayve raises $1 billion to take its Tesla-like technology for self-driving to many carmakers | TechCrunch

Wayve, a UK-born startup developing a self-learning rather than rule-based system for autonomous driving, has closed a $1.05 billion in Series C funding led by SoftBank Group. This is the UK’s largest AI fundraise ever and sits among the top 20 AI fundraises globally to date.

Also participating in the raise was NVIDIA and existing investor Microsoft. Waye’s early stage investors included Meta’s head of AI, Yann LeCun.

Wayve, which was founded in Cambridge in 2017, raised $200m in a series B round in January last year led by Eclipse Ventures.

The company plans to use the fresh capital injection to develop its product for “eyes on” assisted driving and “yes off” fully automated driving, other AI-assisted automotive applications, and expand operations globally.

San Francisco has become known as the epicenter for autonomous driving roll-outs, with Alphabet-owned Waymo and GM-owned Cruise both operating services in the city. By contrast, Wayve’s “end-to-end” self-driving system began its life around the tiny streets of Cambridge on an electric Renault Twizy.

Since then, it has been training its model on delivery vehicles for the likes of companies like UK grocery delivery company Ocado, which invested $13.6 million in the startup.

Wayve’s approach to autonomous driving is similar to Tesla’s, but Wayve plans to sell its autonomous driving model to a variety of auto OEMs. The implication, of course, is that Wayve will garner a great deal more training data on which to improve its model, as Tesla must rely on someone buying their car brand. The company has not announced any such automotive partners yet, however.

Wayve calls its hardware-agnostic mapless product an “Embodied AI”, and it plans to distribute its platform not just to car makers but also to robotics companies serving manufacturers of all descriptions, allowing the platform to learn from human behavior in a wide variety of real-world environments. The company’s research on multimodal and generative models, known as LINGO and GAIA, will offer “language-responsive interfaces, personalized driving styles, and co-piloting,” the firm promises.

Wayve co-founder and CEO Alex Kendall told Techcrunch: “Seven years ago, we started the company to go build an embodied AI. We have been heads down building technology … What happened last year was everything really started to work.”

He said the key moment has been the automotive industry’s “step change” into having cameras surrounding new cars, from which Wayve can draw data for its autonomous platform: “Now their production vehicles are coming out with GPUs, surrounding cameras, radar, and of course the appetite to now bring AI onto, and enable, an accelerated journey from assisted to automated driving. So this fundraise is a validation of our technological approach, and gives us the capital to go and turn this technology into product and bring this this this product to market.”

He added that Wayve has big plans for robotics as well.

“Very soon you’ll be able to buy a new car, and it’ll have Wayve’s AI on it… Then this goes into enabling all kinds of embodied AI, not just cars, but other forms of robotics. I think the ultimate thing that we want to achieve here is to go way beyond where AI is today with language models and chatbots. But to really enable a future where we can trust intelligent machines that we can delegate tasks to, and of course they can enhance our lives and self-driving will be the first example of that.”

In a move that signified the importance of this fundraise more broadly to the UK,  Prime Minister Rishi Sunak issued a supporting statement saying: “From the first electric light bulb or the World Wide Web, to AI and self-driving cars – the UK has a proud record of being at the forefront of some of the biggest technological advancements in history.”

“I’m incredibly proud that the UK is the home for pioneers like Wayve who are breaking ground as they develop the next generation of AI models for self-driving cars. The fact that a homegrown, British business has secured the biggest investment yet in a UK AI company is a testament to our leadership in this industry, and that our plan for the economy is working,” he said.

“We are leaving no stone unturned to create the economic conditions for businesses to grow and thrive in the UK. We already have the third highest number of AI companies and private investment in AI in the world, and this announcement anchors the UK’s position as an AI superpower,” he added.

Also in a statement, Kentaro Matsui, Managing Partner at SoftBank Investment Advisers and a Wayve boardmember said: “AI is revolutionizing mobility… The potential of this type of technology is transformative; it could eliminate 99% of traffic accidents. SoftBank Group is delighted to be at the forefront of this effort with Wayve, as advanced intelligence redefines mobility and connectivity, contributing to a more convenient and safer society.”

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