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Tag: VCs

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The ups and downs of investing in Europe, with VCs Saul Klein and Raluca Ragab | TechCrunch

When it comes to the world of venture-backed startups, some issues are universal, and some are very dependent on where the startups and its backers are located. It’s something we talked about this week in London, when TechCrunch took its StrictlyVC series of more intimate, more investor-focused events on the road. Sitting down with Saul […]

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VCs wanted FarmboxRx to become a meal kit, the company bootstrapped instead | TechCrunch

Some startups choose to bootstrap from the beginning while others find themselves forced into self funding by a lack of investor interest or a business model that doesn’t fit traditional VC. FarmboxRx decided to bootstrap because founder Ashley Tyrner didn’t like the advice she was getting from potential backers. Tyrner told TechCrunch’s Found podcast that […]

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VCs and the military are fueling self-driving startups that don't need roads | TechCrunch

A new crop of early-stage startups — along with some recent VC investments — illustrates a niche emerging in the autonomous vehicle technology sector. Unlike the companies bringing robotaxis to city streets, these startups are taking their tech off-road.  Two recent entrants — Seattle-based Overland AI and New Brunswick-based Potential — are poised to get […]

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Investors are growing increasingly wary of AI | TechCrunch

After years of easy money, the AI industry is facing a reckoning.

A new report from Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), which studies AI trends, found that global investment in AI fell for the second year in a row in 2023.

Both private investment — that is, investments in startups from VCs — and corporate investment — mergers and acquisitions — in the AI industry were on the downswing in 2023 versus the year prior, according to the report, which cites data from market intelligence firm Quid.

AI-related mergers and acquisitions fell from $117.16 million in 2022 to $80.61 million in 2023, down 31.2%; private investment dipped from $103.4 million to $95.99 million. Factoring in minority stake deals and public offerings, total investment in AI dropped to $189.2 billion last year, a 20% decline compared to 2022.

Yet some AI ventures continue to attract substantial tranches, like Anthropic’s recent multibillion-dollar investment from Amazon and Microsoft’s $650 million acquisition of Inflection AI. And more AI companies are receiving investments than ever before, with 1,812 AI startups announcing funding in 2023, up 40.6% versus 2022, according to the Stanford HAI report.

So what’s going on?

Gartner analyst John-David Lovelock says that he sees AI investing “spreading out” as the largest players — Anthropic, OpenAI and so on — stake out their ground.

“The count of billion-dollar investments has slowed and is all but over,” Lovelock told TechCrunch. “Large AI models require massive investments. The market is now more influenced by the tech companies that’ll utilize existing AI products, services and offerings to build new offerings.”

Umesh Padval, managing director at Thomvest Ventures, attributes the shrinking overall investment in AI to slower-than-expected growth. The initial wave of enthusiasm has given way to the reality, he says: that AI is beset with challenges — some technical, some go-to-market — that’ll take years to address and fully overcome.

“The deceleration in AI investing reflects the recognition that we’re still navigating the early phases of the AI evolution and its practical implementation across industries,” Padval said. “While the long-term market potential remains immense, the initial exuberance has been tempered by the complexities and challenges of scaling AI technologies in real-world applications … This suggests a more mature and discerning investment landscape.”

Other factors could be afoot.

Greylock partner Seth Rosenberg contends that there’s simply less appetite to fund “a bunch of new players” in the AI space.

“We saw a lot of investment in foundation models during the early part of this cycle, which are very capital intensive,” he said. “Capital required for AI applications and agents is lower than other parts of the stack, which may be why funding on an absolute dollar basis is down.”

Aaron Fleishman, partner at Tola Capital, says that investors might be coming to the realization that they’ve been too reliant on “projected exponential growth” to justify AI startups’ sky-high valuations. To give one example, AI company Stability AI, which was valued at over $1 billion in late 2022, reportedly brought in just $11 million in revenue in 2023 while spending $153 million on operating expenses.

“The performance trajectories of companies like Stability AI might hint at challenges looming ahead,” Fleishman said. “There’s been a more deliberate approach by investors in evaluating AI investments compared to a year ago. The rapid rise and fall of certain marquee name startups in AI over the past year has illustrated the need for investors to refine and sharpen their view and understanding of the AI value chain and defensibility within the stack.”

“Deliberate” seems to be the name of the game now, indeed.

According to a PitchBook report compiled for TechCrunch, VCs invested $25.87 billion globally in AI startups in Q1 2024, up from $21.69 billion in Q1 2023. But the Q1 2024 investments spanned across only 1,545 deals compared to 1,909 in Q1 2023. Mergers and acquisitions, meanwhile, slowed from 195 in Q1 2023 to 176 in Q1 2024.

Despite the general malaise within AI investor circles, generative AI — AI that creates new content, such as text, images, music and videos — remains a bright spot.

Funding for generative AI startups reached $25.2 billion in 2023, per the Stanford HAI report, nearly ninefold the investment in 2022 and about 30 times the amount from 2019. And generative AI accounted for over a quarter of all AI-related investments in 2023.

Samir Kumar, co-founder of Touring Capital, doesn’t think that the boom times will last, however. “We’ll soon be evaluating whether generative AI delivers the promised efficiency gains at scale and drives top-line growth through AI-integrated products and services,” Kumar said. “If these anticipated milestones aren’t met and we remain primarily in an experimental phase, revenues from ‘experimental run rates’ might not transition into sustainable annual recurring revenue.”

To Kumar’s point, several high-profile VCs including Meritch Capital — whose bets include Facebook and Salesforce — TCV, General Atlantic and Blackstone have steered clear of generative AI so far. And generative AI’s largest customers, corporations, seem increasingly skeptical of the tech’s promises,  and whether it can deliver on them.

In a pair of recent surveys from Boston Consulting Group, about half of the respondents — all C-suite executives — said that they don’t expect generative AI to bring about substantial productivity gains and that they’re worried about the potential for mistakes and data compromises arising from generative AI-powered tools.

But whether skepticism, and the financial downtrends that can stem from it, are a bad thing depends on your point of view.

For Padval’s part, he sees the AI industry undergoing a “necessary” correction to “bubble-like investment fervor.” And, in his belief, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

“We’re moving to a more sustainable and normalized pace in 2024,” he said. “We anticipate this stable investment rhythm to persist throughout the remainder of this year … While there may be periodic adjustments in investment pace, the overall trajectory for AI investment remains robust and poised for sustained growth.”

We shall see.

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Nine crypto VCs on why Q1 investments were so hot and how it compares to previous bull market | TechCrunch

If the 2023 crypto venture landscape was an ice-cold pot of water, the first quarter of 2024 is the part where the bubbles start to form right before water boils, Tom Schmidt, a partner at Dragonfly Capital, said to TechCrunch.

And he’s not wrong: $2.52 billion in total capital has been raised across the crypto and blockchain sectors in Q1 2024, according to PitchBook data. That’s about 25% higher than $2.02 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.

“It’s been an extraordinarily busy time. It has 2021 feels to it,” said David Nage, portfolio manager at Arca. “Deals in 2021 felt like you had a gun to the back of your head; that feeling has kind of returned to the market a bit.” Nage said his firm has tracked over 690 deals across stages that have transpired during Q1, about 30 to 40% more than the lows in 2023.

“In Q1, the crypto venture capital funding landscape was cautiously optimistic, rebounding from a challenging two-year period of fundraising difficulties for both companies and managers,” said Alex Felix, co-founder and chief investment officer at CoinFund.

Despite a significant year-over-year decrease in both VC and crypto funding in 2023, around 65%, there is a noticeable uptick in deal-making activity, Felix added.

But why now?

The crypto VC landscape has heated up in part because of positive effects from legal wins last year from Ripple and Grayscale, as well as positive sentiments around decentralized finance (DeFi) on Solana. There’s also demand increasing for the biggest cryptocurrency post SEC spot bitcoin ETF approvals in the U.S.

“Another thing that affected the market is we didn’t die,” Nage said. “I know it’s funny to say this, but after the [collapse of] LUNA, BlockFi, FTX, the banking crisis, the thought was that we would die and we didn’t.”

And it may not stop anytime soon, thanks to macro validation from crypto. “Crypto venture will continue to heat up on the back of a bullish macro backdrop fueled by the launch of crypto ETF products, the BTC halving, projected rate cuts in the U.S. ahead of the upcoming presidential election,” said Mike Giampapa, general partner at Galaxy Ventures. “We’re also seeing institutional interest start to convert into real budgets and products.”

For example, BlackRock is launching its tokenized money market fund on the Ethereum blockchain, which could lead to heightened competitive pressure from traditional financial institutions and more adoptions.

Where deals are flowin’ in

In general, the crypto startup deal flow has picked up in areas ranging from DeFi to SocialFi to Bitcoin layer-2 growth. “We see 30 to 40 deals on a weekly basis, that’s increased 10% to 20% over the last quarter. It’s getting harder to keep up with the pace of that,” Nage said.

There has been an uptick in both new companies coming to market and existing companies that remained lean throughout the bear market that are revisiting fundraising, Giampapa said. “The market in 2024 will be a tale of the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots,’ with newer companies building along popular narratives getting funded at rich valuations and many other companies going out of business,” he added.

Right now, SocialFi, which in web3 world refers mainly to decentralized social media, is very hot. recently closed a $3 million round and decentralized social network protocol Mask Network hit $100 million for its fund to further support other similar applications. Some success in this sector can be thanks to decentralized social app networks like Farcaster, which is using Web 2.0 techniques to adopt new audiences. Web3 gaming is also rapidly expanding, with hundreds of new games expected to go to market later this year.

Crypto and AI, blockchains and anything zero-knowledge related are “red-hot right now,” Schmidt said.

“Given the grandiose expectations for AI’s potential to impact the global economy, we expect this trend to continue for the foreseeable future,” Tekin Salimi, founder of dao5, said.

For example, modular and AI-integrated blockchains, like 0G labs, which launched with a $35 million pre-seed round, are also attracting the attention of venture capitalists.

Founder-friendly market is spiking valuations

Competitiveness among VCs is creating an environment in which founders have greater leverage in fundraising, Salimi said. There’s “no shortage of hungry money as of recently,” said Michael Anderson, co-founder of Framework Ventures.

“This is founder-friendly in the sense that, in oversubscribed rounds, investors are now reverse-pitching their value,” said Marthe Naudts, associate at White Star Capital’s Digital Asset Fund, meaning that some investors have to show founders why they should choose them. “Founders now have optionality and the ability to set terms, with competitive rounds filling out before investors have time for intensive due diligence.”

But Felix says that the power hasn’t really shifted from investors to founders but is “perfectly balanced” for both parties. “Founders are benefiting from rounds catalyzed with more urgency and valuations ticking up slightly from their recent trough, and VCs are winning more protective and advantageous deal structures.”

It’s worth noting that there’s a massive dispersion based on the quality of the team and sector, Schmidt said. Some startups that previously raised during the last market cycle are working through a re-pricing through a down round or extension, while others are fresh faces.

With pre-seed rounds, there are under $10 million valuations in crypto consumer, but there are also $300 million or higher valuations for sectors like crypto and AI, Schmidt noted. For instance, PredX, an AI-enabled prediction market, raised $500,000 and was valued at $20 million post-money valuation, according to Messari data. Separately, CharacterX, a web3 AI social network, raised $2.8 million in a seed round at a $30 million post-money valuation.

For seed rounds, Nage is seeing $25 million to $40 million pre-money valuations, with several startups pricing in at the $80 million market on seed rounds. Schmidt said the average seed round is in a similar range of $30 million to $60 million post-valuation.

“Valuations are up significantly, and even when larger, more established firms pass on a deal, founders still have plenty of options with others,” Anderson said. “Some of the valuation we’re seeing are already a bit outlandish given how early we are in this cycle.”

Because fundraise announcements are often delayed by many months to a year after the actual raise, there are misperceptions around where the private market is if participants are basing their expectations purely off headlines, Schmidt said.

“Raises that would have taken months or not happened at all last year, even for high-quality teams, are now happening in weeks or less with better terms for founders,” Schmidt said. “Teams that squandered time and money during the bear market are still raising bridge rounds, but new teams are able to come out of the gate strong with larger raises and higher valuations.”

The valuation shift is also driven by sentiment around cryptocurrency prices, so bitcoin reaching all-time highs, Solana surpassing $200 and ether near $4,000 is a “massive sentiment shift,” Nage said.

For founders, seed rounds remain easiest to raise, as many small funds and angel investors are willing to write the first check at the lowest entry points, Felix said. “However, I do not anticipate an immediate improvement in the Series A graduation rate, which has declined from the upper 20% range to the mid-teens. Raising a round of more than $10 million will continue to be appropriately challenging.”

Many venture capitalists are still trying to be mindful of not getting trapped into higher valuations by FOMO’ing into the hype, while also realizing that they can’t just sit on their hands and knees and wait it out. “It is common to see rounds get oversubscribed within days of coming to market and allocations being denied or shifted to subsequent rounds at higher valuations,” said Thomas Tang, VP of investments at Ryze Labs.

The tokenomic come back

Since the end of 2023, Nage said he’s been hearing from companies and peers that they’re looking at tokenomic designs for 2024. So there’s a new rise of token issuance and there’s a number of Arca’s portfolio companies that are working through building that out for this year. This is a shift from the mid-2022 post-Terra/LUNA collapse era, when most seed deals were funded with Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) or warrants, he added.

“This new issuance phase we’re entering into is that valuations have shifted violently,” Nage said.

This dynamic has driven VCs to accept “lofty valuations in private rounds since they expect that the tokens will be traded publicly at a significant markup,” Tang said.

That’s not to say there aren’t SAFE rounds still happening, but Schmidt said the market has congealed around those alongside priced equity rounds and token structures “as a way to give investors protection, but also give teams flexibility.”

And it’s tougher for teams raising around traditional business models, said Clay Robbins, co-founder of accelerator and venture capital fund Colosseum. Crypto-native VCs see token trades and early liquidity behind it, so they’re heavily biased that way, while generalist investors don’t quite believe in that market yet, he added.

On that point, Naudts said the long-term performance of these tokens is yet to be seen. Her firm, White Star, is cautious of tokens intended both as a speculative asset and a means of payment. “But we’re seeing lots more experimentation with tokenomics models here and it’s certainly a space where we are excited by the innovation at play.”

Looking to the rest of 2024

The early-stage funding space will continue to heat up throughout the remainder of the year, Robbins said. Given the “relatively anemic IPO market, lack of fundamentals-based underwriting of growth-stage crypto companies and a (now confirmed) trial between the SEC and Coinbase, I anticipate it will be inconsistent at the growth stage.”

And April will be a big month for crypto market sentiment. As the Bitcoin Halving is coming up, which only occurs once every four years, there’s a lot of uncertainty on how that will affect the industry. Past halving events have propelled the price of bitcoin, but historical data doesn’t always predict the future.

“While short-term market corrections may be on the horizon, we expect the next three quarters of 2024 to be very bullish,” Salimi said. “Historically, financial markets make positive gains during election years. Additionally, we anticipate the macro environment to begin improving later this year, manifesting first in interest rate cuts.”

And relative to last year, many venture capitalists are certain — if there aren’t any massive fraud cases, lawsuits or negative regulatory effects — that the market will continue to see hyper VC activity in the coming quarters that it saw in Q1. “Regulation continues to be the wild card here and could serve as a catalyst for either another leg higher or a brake on growth,” Giampapa said.

If there’s positive progress on the regulatory front, real on-chain momentum, more institutional-based products being launched and continued overall improved macroenvironment, there could be “frenzy levels of deployment,” Robbins said.

“There will be more activity, more deal flow and one thing above everything else is funds are raising capital,” Nage said. Many firms weren’t able to raise from LPs last year because the industry “was a death knell and no interest was out there from LPs.”

As the industry moves on from FTX, LPs are also warming back up to the space, but some are also beginning to differentiate between “crypto” and “crypto venture,” which may lead to some choosing to just allocate to Bitcoin and leave it at that for their crypto exposure, Schmidt said.

However, traditional VCs or crossover funds haven’t “plunged head-first back into crypto, but they’re slowly dipping their toes into a few more deals,” Schmidt said. “I would not be surprised if things get frothier as those bigger market participants come back, crypto funds go back out to the market to reload on capital from LPs, and the space overall becomes more institutionally attractive again.”

Regardless, the sentiment has shifted dramatically over the last quarter, so as that continues to improve, it should also create positive effects on the venture market, Nage added. “If [firms] can raise funds in the next two to three quarters, they won’t hold on to their past dry powder as aggressively as they did the past year. As that eases, you’ll see more checks.”

Last year, most funds were doing about one to two deals a month, or a few a quarter, Nage said. “That has dramatically changed. In December alone, we’ve done half a dozen, if not more.” All the deals Nage is in talks with this most recent quarter were time constrained.

By comparison, Felix shared that CoinFund closed 17 deals in 2023 and four deals in the first quarter of 2024.

Last year, a total of $10.18 billion in capital was raised across the crypto and blockchain industry, PitchBook data showed. I asked each firm how much capital they expect to be raised by the end of 2024 and most estimated above that $10 billion range, but some went as high as the $20 billion range.

Felix believes that VC funding to web3 could be more than 10% of global dollars raised so that could be as much as $16.2 billion at year end based on PitchBook’s 2023 fundraising figures. Either way, it’s expected to be short of the nearly $30 billion that crypto startups raised in 2022, and the more than $33 billion they raised back in 2021.

“This market falls somewhere between the mania of 2021, 2022 and the muted market of last year,” Robbins said.

While Giampapa also thinks many managers will accelerate deployments and go out to fundraise in the next six to 12 months, there’s a caveat. In the previous bull market, some of the large deployers of capital were firms like FTX and Three Arrows Capital, which are no longer in business. “Without these pools of capital, I struggle to see how dollars deployed into crypto VC get back to the 2021 to 2022 levels.”

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The startup fundraising squeeze could persist as VCs struggle to refill their own coffers | TechCrunch

Many startups are hoping that the gradual opening of an IPO window and the prospect of interest rate cuts later this year will finally encourage VCs to be less stingy with their capital.

But it’s unlikely that startups’ fundraising slog will become much easier soon, mostly because of venture capitalists’ own capital-gathering challenges.

In Q1, U.S. VC funds raised only $9.3 billion, according to PitchBook data. At this pace, VC fundraising will end 2024 at just above $37 billion, the lowest capital raised since 2013 and a 54% decline from last year.

Just like startups, VCs are struggling to attract new capital from their backers, known as limited partners, such as endowments, foundations and pension funds. The drastic decline in IPO and M&A activity over the last couple years meant that LPs had meager cash distributions from their investments in VC funds.

“We’re coming out of a 2020 to 2021 period when [LPs] had the fear of missing out and were rushing into venture,” said Kirsten Morin, co-head of venture capital at HighVista Strategies, an asset manager that invests in venture funds. “Now they are licking their wounds and saying, ‘Oh, no, I invested at the top of the market. It will be a while before I see any distributions.’”

Other limited partners say that they will be extremely cautious with their investments until startup IPOs pick up considerably. Reddit‘s and Astera Labs‘ successful offerings aren’t nearly enough to get LPs excited about venture again.

Brand-name firms will continue to raise funds, but they may have less capital to invest in startups than they did in the past. Take IVP, for instance. The 43-year-old venture firm closed a $1.6 billion fund last month, a more than 11% decrease from the $1.8 billion vehicle it raised in 2021.

But attracting new capital from LPs won’t be as easy for smaller and newer venture firms. “I think a lot of people may fall out of the business over the next few years,” said Chris Douvos, a managing director at Ahoy Capital, which invests in funds and startups.

While this is not great news for existing startups, it’s not all doom and gloom, either. PitchBook estimates that dry powder, the amount of capital VCs still have to invest from previous funds, remains high.

However, that amount will dwindle unless LPs open up their coffers again.

“One low fundraising quarter is not going to make or break the future of VC,” said Kyle Stanford, lead venture capital analyst at PitchBook. “But if this continues, it will be a hit on deal making.”

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The UK threw a splashy event in New York this week to woo more American VCs TechCrunch |

A 3D hologram, dubbed the Ever-Changing Statue, will be on display at the Rise by Barclays workspace in New York until April 4.

Sipping wine and nibbling burrata, a group of government officials, reporters and founders gathered at its unveiling, watching as the hologram flickered a display that alternated through images of some of the U.K.’s top unicorn founders like Tessa Clarke, the co-founder of food waste startup Olio, and Alexander and Oliver Kent-Braham, founders of insurance startup Marshmallow.

The display celebrated the U.K. as the third $1 trillion tech economy, preceded only by the U.S. and China.

While Brexit has had its economic impacts, U.K. officials want American VCs to know that since 2020, its tech ecosystem has seen healthy development. Dealroom data shows that U.K. startups raised $31 billion in venture capital in 2022 and $41 billion in 2021. Last year, the U.K. raised $21 billion in venture capital — though that is a dip, with the market retraction in mind, it is still more than what France and Germany raised combined. It’s also still more than the $18 billion the U.K. raised in 2019 and the $12 billion raised in 2018.

It seems that even Black founders, a group historically struggling to secure funding, are seeing progress. Between 2009 and 2019, only 38 U.K. Black founders raised venture capital funding—that number now stands at 80, according to an updated report by Extend Ventures.

The U.K. says it’s home to more than 160 unicorns and 12 decacorns (companies worth more than $10 billion). Fintech is a particularly stand-out area, including Monzo, Revolut and Wise. With the rise of DeepMind and Benevolent AI, it’s also becoming the hub for artificial intelligence. And there was more than a little hushed pride from those at the event that it’s also the home of OnlyFans.

The hologram — and the British government officials — are selling potential as the main draw to the U.K., a sales pitch clearly designed to boost a sluggish economy.

The hologram featured some of the top founders and CEOs in the U.K. Image Credits: GREAT

Although talent from other European countries might have slowed in the U.K., there is still an influx of immigration from other countries, meaning an inrush of ideas, hires and, once again, potential. Other cities in the country have also flourished, such as Manchester and Cambridge.

Rodney Appiah, the co-founder of the U.K.-based venture firm Cornerstone Ventures, spoke to TechCrunch about some of the holes that are waiting to be filled in the U.K. He said there is room for more funds and accelerator programs, alongside a desire to have more senior talent that can help companies move from early stage to growth.

Paul Taylor, the CEO of Thought Machine and one of the people depicted on the hologram, echoed the need for more venture funds dedicated to the region, saying that U.K. companies typically have to obtain foreign investors when they grow.

“The U.K. tech ecosystem has made significant strides, but work remains to reach the scale and influence of Silicon Valley,” Taylor told TechCrunch.

At the same time, Appiah said the ecosystem is dealing with the rise of more emerging managers, micro funds and, finally, access to more risk capital. “We are also seeing more VC involvement from cash-rich [corporations] and institutional investors seeking to diversify.”

Having the hologram in New York is clearly an attempt to grab the attention of American startups and investors. A 2023 report by HSBC Innovation Banking — previously SVB — showed that U.S. investors were the largest source of funding for British startups last year. The Times reported that more American tech entrepreneurs are buying up real estate in London, while NEA, Bessemer and a16z have all opened offices there in the past few years.

On the other hand, not all investors have faired well with their attempts to invest out of London. Two high-profile investors, Omers and Coatue, recently significantly downgraded or shut down their European outpost operations based in London.

However, perhaps the biggest draw for Americans is that the British seem willing to work with investors and founders to shape the tech ecosystem. In fact, friendly regulation was one reason a16z opened its crypto office in London, as the U.S. was looking to impose regulations on the industry.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak — who created the Unicorn Kingdom initiative — unveiled a plan last year to invest £370 million (around $468 million) to support the country’s tech ambitions. Last summer, the British government announced an agreement with the country’s nine largest pension funds to start investing assets in startups, a move the government predicted could unlock £50 billion in capital if the rest of the pension industry decided to invest in startups, too.

It’s no wonder, then, that the hologram, sparkling in red, white and blue, was sold as a sign of the future. “Creating a two-way road between the USA and U.K. is a win for both countries,” Clarke said.

The statue, created by the British company HYPERVSN, will be on display until April 4.

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