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Tag: Sequoia

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Elon Musk's xAI raises $6B from Valor, a16z, and Sequoia | TechCrunch

Elon Musk’s AI startup, xAI, has raised $6 billion in a new funding round, it said today, in one of the largest deals in the red-hot nascent space, as he shores up capital to aggressively compete with rivals including OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google. Valor Equity Partners, Vy Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, Fidelity, Prince Alwaleed […]

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Sequoia's Jess Lee explains how early-stage startups can identify product-market fit | TechCrunch

Founders at the early stages of building their startups may have already created a strong solution, identified a gap in the market, or may simply have an inescapable and driving motivation to build their own business. Ideally, they have a good combination of all three. But do they have product-market fit? And what actually is product-market fit, anyway?

The investors at Sequoia, one of the world’s biggest venture capital firms, have come up with a very handy framework to answer those two questions. It distills the landscape into three archetypes.

“Hair on Fire” roughly means that your startup addresses an urgent problem. A security startup, for example, might fit here, especially if it can win initial business on the back of parachuting in to fix a breach or other problem already in progress. Or, think of the wave of companies that offered services to businesses and users when they were suddenly sheltering in place and working from home during the peak of Covid-19.

“Hard Fact” translates as a startup that solves an existing problem better than what’s already out there. Square, which emerged as a new point of sale product in a seemingly old and saturated market, is a good example of this.

Lastly, “Future Vision” relates to deep tech, moonshots, and products out of left field. These would include quantum startups, but also those building flying cars or even autonomous vehicles that would ply our roads (or any of the tech that will be needed to make such vehicles).

Each of these archetypes will have its own customer mindset, competitive market status, opportunity/general product goals, challenges, examples of those who got it right and those that did not, and so on. Sequoia partner Jess Lee, a specialist in early-stage investing, gave a big talk on the concept at TechCrunch’s Early Stage event in Boston in April. Sequoia has written about the framework here, too.

In sum, the theory goes like this: Startups all, more or less, fit into one of these three archetypes, so identifying which archetype a company fits in can help it focus and develop.

Sequoia is confident enough of the structure that it uses the framework in its Arc program to help early-stage founders focus on how they are building. It also helps the firm evaluate potential startup investments. Beyond that, and just as importantly, founders can lean on an archetype to better anticipate and articulate the challenges and opportunities in their space. That can be helpful for decision-making internally, of course, as well as for fundraising or pitching partnerships or customers.

During her presentation on the framework, Lee said that Sequoia does not have a favored category among the three.

“I think you can create great companies in all those categories,” Lee said. Still, she admitted that certain kinds of companies might find it especially challenging to raise money in the current climate.

For deep tech and moonshots — two common kinds of startups found in the “Future Vision” category — fundraising “was easier in a zero-interest-rate period when there was a ton of capital flowing in,” Lee said. “I don’t know if [those companies] would have been able to raise as much [starting out now] as they had to, to be able to get to where they are now.”

Lee was a co-founder at Polyvore, which combined social mechanics and e-commerce — its users contributed fashion and product clips from around the web and used those products to assemble mood boards, with affiliate marketing underpinning it all. Polyvore was eventually acquired by Yahoo, and she parted ways with it. Yet, that e-commerce and consumer focus has stayed with her, she said, adding that she’s still interested in trying to find new winners in that category despite the challenges of trying to break into the space these days.

“It can still be done,” she said. “I feel like many consumer companies fall in the ‘Hard Fact’ category, and I particularly love working with consumer companies. But you have to be good at both marketing your problem as well as marketing your solution and building this. So it takes a lot to get it right.

“It almost feels like alchemy. I can’t tell you how many founders I’ve met who said, ‘Oh, yeah I was working on Snapchat, too. Like, I had my own version.’ And it sounded like it was similar, but just the right number of details allowed Snapchat to be the one that broke away.”

None of this is to say that the third category, “Hair on Fire,” is exactly easy. “You have to ruthlessly execute,” Lee said. “[You need] so much velocity to stay ahead of everyone.”

Her conclusion drives home one of the most critical aspects of building an early-stage business. “I think there’s a little bit of founder-market fit that goes into each of these product-market fit categories.”

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Robotic Automations

With $175M in new funding, Island is putting the browser at the center of enterprise security | TechCrunch

Island, the secure browser company, may be the most valuable startup that you have never heard of. The company, which is putting the browser at the center of security, announced a $175 million Series D investment on Tuesday at a whopping $3 billion valuation. Island has now raised a total of $487 million.

That’s a ton of money, and it makes us wonder: What is the company doing to warrant this kind of investment at this level of value? Doug Leone, a partner at Sequoia who invested in Island going back to the A round, says that he was attracted to the company’s founding team and unique value proposition.

“The two founders, one of whom was a technical founder out of Israel — Dan Amiga — and one who was a very senior security executive out of the U.S. — Mike Fey — had a vision that if you could produce a browser based on Chromium that looks like a standard browser to the consumer employee in a corporation, but was secure, it would stop bad guys from doing a whole bunch of things,” Leone told TechCrunch.

He says that the end result is that you can lower the overall cost of security by replacing things like a VPN, data loss prevention and mobile device management, all of which can be done right in the browser instead of purchasing separate tools. That could in turn lower the overall cost of securing a network.

Island is defining a category with an enterprise browser, while allowing employees to work in a familiar environment and keeping them more secure, says Ray Wang, founder and principal analyst at Constellation Research.

“They are using the security angle to change human computing interactions,” he said. “Think of the browser as your screen into a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ game, and based on all the data being captured, it can deliver contextually relevant content, actions and insight, but it does it while delivering on enterprise class security of the data, process and identity.”

Fey acknowledges that if he showed up at a company with a proprietary browser, and they have 20,000 apps — which would be possible in a Fortune 100 company — then they would have to test all those apps against that browser. But the fact that Island is based on the Chromium standard means that IT can trust the browser without having to put everything through a lengthy testing process. “The browser world standardized on Chromium. This idea couldn’t have come to fruition before that,” Fey said.

In spite of the value proposition and the standardized approach, Fey says it still takes some explaining to get executives to understand that by paying for a security-focused browser, they can actually save money in the long run. “You have to explain where the ROI comes from. What am I getting? Where’s it coming from? And the ROI has to be very understandable and very believable and large,” he said.

How large? Consider that he says one company saved $300 million a year shutting down racks in a data center because they didn’t require nearly the same level of resources anymore to run the same applications.

Fey says it’s not about replacing these tools, so much as the fact that taking advantage of a standardized browser just makes it so much easier to execute on things like web filtering or even virtual desktops. It sounds simple, but the company has 280 employees, of which 100 are engineers. He says a lot of engineering work went into making this happen.

While he wouldn’t discuss specific revenue numbers, the company has around 200 customers, and has been growing steadily over the past couple of years. Leone referred to it as exponential growth.

Fey thinks that Island can be a substantial public company eventually. “We’re getting into decent ARR at this point, meaningful ARR, and our margins are good,” he said. “So you know what we think is we will make a strong IPO candidate someday, but not next year. Someday.”

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