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Tag: fines

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US fines telcos $200M for sharing customer location data without consent | TechCrunch

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said on Monday that it is fining the four U.S. major wireless carriers around $200 million in total for “illegally” sharing and selling customers’ real-time location data without their consent.

AT&T’s fine is more than $57 million, Verizon’s is almost $47 million, T-Mobile’s is more than $80 million and Sprint’s is more than $12 million, according to the FCC’s announcement.

“Our communications providers have access to some of the most sensitive information about us. These carriers failed to protect the information entrusted to them. Here, we are talking about some of the most sensitive data in their possession: customers’ real-time location information, revealing where they go and who they are,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said in the announcement.

The FCC said its investigative arm, the Enforcement Bureau, concluded that the four companies sold access to its customers’ location data to third-party companies, which the FCC called “aggregators,” which in turn resold the location data to other companies. These series of sales and resales effectively created a whole gray market for cell phone subscribers’ historical and real-time location data. Most customers had no idea such a market for their data even existed, let alone consented to the sale of their data.

Cell phone carriers are required by law to “maintain the confidentiality of such customer information and to obtain affirmative, express customer consent before using, disclosing, or allowing access to such information,” the FCC wrote.

The fines come years after investigations by news organizations revealed that the four carriers were sharing this type of data with law enforcement and bounty hunters, among other organizations.

In 2018, The New York Times reported that law enforcement and correction officials across the U.S. used a company called Securus Technologies to track people’s locations. Securus’ solution relied on “a system typically used by marketers and other companies to get location data from major cell phone carriers,” the NYT wrote.

The following year, a Motherboard investigation revealed that bounty hunters could geo-locate any cell phone customer’s location for as little as $300. “These surveillance capabilities are sometimes sold through word-of-mouth networks,” Motherboard’s Joseph Cox, who is now at 404 Media, wrote at the time.

The FCC wrote that despite these public reports, the four carriers failed to put safeguards in place “to ensure that the dozens of location-based service providers with access to their customers’ location information were actually obtaining customer consent,” and kept selling the data.

All four carriers criticized the decision and said they intend to appeal it.

T-Mobile spokesperson Tara Darrow said in a statement that “this industry-wide third-party aggregator location-based services program was discontinued more than five years ago after we took steps to ensure that critical services like roadside assistance, fraud protection and emergency response would not be disrupted.”

Darrow said that T-Mobile, which merged with Sprint in 2020, will appeal the decision.

“We take our responsibility to keep customer data secure very seriously and have always supported the FCC’s commitment to protecting consumers, but this decision is wrong, and the fine is excessive. We intend to challenge it,” the statement read.

AT&T spokesperson Alex Byers also said the company will appeal, and said that the FCC decision “lacks both legal and factual merit.”

“It unfairly holds us responsible for another company’s violation of our contractual requirements to obtain consent, ignores the immediate steps we took to address that company’s failures, and perversely punishes us for supporting life-saving location services like emergency medical alerts and roadside assistance that the FCC itself previously encouraged. We expect to appeal the order after conducting a legal review,” Byers said in a statement sent to TechCrunch.

Verizon spokesperson Rich Young said that the “FCC’s order gets it wrong on both the facts and the law, and we plan to appeal this decision.”

“In this case, when one bad actor gained unauthorized access to information relating to a very small number of customers, we quickly and proactively cut off the fraudster, shut down the program, and worked to ensure this couldn’t happen again,” the statement read. “Keep in mind, the FCC’s order concerns an old program that Verizon shut down more than half a decade ago. That program required affirmative, opt-in customer consent and was intended to support services like roadside assistance and medical alerts.”

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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fines BloomTech for false claims | TechCrunch

In an order today, the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said that BloomTech, the for-profit coding bootcamp previously known as the Lambda School, deceived students about the cost of loans, made false claims about graduates’ hiring rates and engaged in illegal lending masked as “income sharing” agreements with high fees.

The order marks the end of the CFPB’s investigation into BloomTech’s practices — and the start of agency’s penalties on the organization.

The CFPB is permanently banning BloomTech from consumer lending activities and its CEO, Austen Allred, from student lending for a period of ten years. In addition, the agency is ordering BloomTech and Allred to cease collecting payments on loans for graduates who didn’t have a qualifying job and allow students to withdraw their funds without penalty — as well as eliminate finance changes for “certain agreements.”

“BloomTech and its CEO sought to drive students toward income share loans that were marketed as risk-free, but in fact carried significant finance charges and many of the same risks as other credit products,” CFPB director Rohit Chopra said in a statement. “Today’s action underscores our increased focus on investigating individual executives and, when appropriate, charging them with breaking the law.”

BloomTech and Allred must also pay the CFPB over $164,000 in civil penalties to be deposited in the agency’s victims relief fund, with BloomTech contributing ~$64,000 and Allred forking over the remainder ($100,000).

Allred founded BloomTech, which rebranded from the Lambda School in 2022 after cutting half its staff, in 2017. Based in San Francisco, the vocational organization — owned primarily by Allred — is backed by various VC funds and investors including Gigafund, Tandem Fund, Y Combinator, GV, GGV and Stripe, and at one time was valued at over $150 million.

Critics almost immediately attacked the firm’s then-pioneering business model — the income share agreement, or ISA — as predatory.

For BloomTech’s short-term, typically six-to-nine-month certification — not degree — programs in fields spanning web development, data science and backend engineering, the school originated income-share loans to fund students’ tuition. (According to the CFPB, BloomTech has originated “at least” 11,000 loans to date.) These loans require that recipients who earn more than $50,000 in a related industry pay BloomTech 17% of their pre-tax income each month until reaching the 24-payment or $30,000 total repayment threshold.

BloomTech didn’t market the loans as such, saying that they didn’t create debt and were “risk free,” and advertised a 71%-86% job placement rate. But the CFPB found these marketing claims and others to be flatly untrue.

BloomTech’s loans in fact carried an annual percentage rate and an average finance charge of around $4,000, neither of which students were made aware of, and a single missed payment triggered a default. The school’s job placement rates were closer to 50% and sank as low as 30%. And, unbeknownst to many students, BloomTech was selling a portion of its loans to investors while depriving recipients of rights they should’ve had under a federal protection known as the Holder Rule.

Prior to the CFPB order, BloomTech, which briefly landed in hot water with California’s oversight board several years ago for operating without approval, had faced other lawsuits claiming the school misrepresented how likely graduates were to get a job and how much they were likely to earn. Last year, leaked documents obtained by Business Insider raised questions about the company inflating its efficacy and hyping up a curriculum that didn’t upskill students at the level they expected.

To comply with the CFPB order, BloomTech must stop collecting payments on loans to graduates who didn’t receive a qualifying job in the past year, and eliminate the finance charge for those who graduated the program more than 18 months ago and obtained a qualifying job making $70,000 or less. The company must also allow current students to withdraw from the program and cancel their loans, or continue in the program with a third-party loan.

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