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Tag: Figma

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From Plaid to Figma, here are the startups that are likely — or definitely — not having IPOs this year | TechCrunch

Last year’s investor dreams of a strong 2024 IPO pipeline have faded, if not fully disappeared, as we approach the halfway point of the year. 2024 delivered four venture-backed tech IPOs, Reddit, Astera Labs, Ibotta and Rubrik, in March and April, which made it seem like this year could spur the momentum investors had hoped […]

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Dropbox, Figma CEOs back Lamini, a startup building a generative AI platform for enterprises | TechCrunch

Lamini, a Palo Alto-based startup building a platform to help enterprises deploy generative AI tech, has raised $25 million from investors including Stanford computer science professor Andrew Ng.

Lamini, co-founded several years ago by Sharon Zhou and Greg Diamos, has an interesting sales pitch.

Many generative AI platforms are far too general-purpose, Zhou and Diamos argue, and don’t have solutions and infrastructure geared to meet the needs of corporations. In contrast, Lamini was built from the ground up with enterprises in mind, and is focused on delivering high generative AI accuracy and scalability.

“The top priority of nearly every CEO, CIO and CTO is to take advantage of generative AI within their organization with maximal ROI,” Zhou, Lamini’s CEO, told TechCrunch. “But while it’s easy to get a working demo on a laptop for an individual developer, the path to production is strewn with failures left and right.”

To Zhou’s point, many companies have expressed frustration with the hurdles to meaningfully embracing generative AI across their business functions.

According to a March poll from MIT Insights, only 9% of organizations have widely adopted generative AI despite 75% having experimented with it. Top hurdles run the gamut from a lack of IT infrastructure and capabilities to poor governance structures, insufficient skills and high implementation costs. Security is a major factor, too — in a recent survey by Insight Enterprises, 38% of companies said security was impacting their ability to leverage generative AI tech.

So what’s Lamini’s answer?

Zhou says that “every piece” of Lamini’s tech stack has been optimized for enterprise-scale generative AI workloads, from the hardware to the software, including the engines used to support model orchestration, fine-tuning, running and training. “Optimized” is a vague word, granted, but Lamini is pioneering one step that Zhou calls “memory tuning,” which is a technique to train a model on data such that it recalls parts of that data exactly.

Memory tuning can potentially reduce hallucinations, Zhou claims, or instances when a model makes up facts in response to a request.

“Memory tuning is a training paradigm — as efficient as fine-tuning, but goes beyond it — to train a model on proprietary data that includes key facts, numbers and figures so that the model has high precision,” Nina Wei, an AI designer at Lamini, told me via email, “and can memorize and recall the exact match of any key information instead of generalizing or hallucinating.”

I’m not sure I buy that. “Memory tuning” appears to be more a marketing term than an academic one; there aren’t any research papers about it — none that I managed to turn up, at least. I’ll leave Lamini to show evidence that its “memory tuning” is better than the other hallucination-reducing techniques that are being/have been attempted.

Fortunately for Lamini, memory tuning isn’t its only differentiator.

Zhou says the platform can operate in highly secured environments, including air-gapped ones. Lamini lets companies run, fine tune, and train models on a range of configurations, from on-premises data centers to public and private clouds. And it scales workloads “elastically,” reaching over 1,000 GPUs if the application or use case demands it, Zhou says.

“Incentives are currently misaligned in the market with closed source models,” Zhou said. “We aim to put control back into the hands of more people, not just a few, starting with enterprises who care most about control and have the most to lose from their proprietary data owned by someone else.”

Lamini’s co-founders are, for what it’s worth, quite accomplished in the AI space. They’ve also separately brushed shoulders with Ng, which no doubt explains his investment.

Zhou was previously faculty at Stanford, where she headed a group that was researching generative AI. Prior to receiving her doctorate in computer science under Ng, she was a machine learning product manager at Google Cloud.

Diamos, for his part, co-founded MLCommons, the engineering consortium dedicated to creating standard benchmarks for AI models and hardware, as well as the MLCommons benchmarking suite, MLPerf. He also led AI research at Baidu, where he worked with Ng while the latter was chief scientist there. Diamos was also a software architect on Nvidia’s CUDA team.

The co-founders’ industry connections appear to have given Lamini a leg up on the fundraising front. In addition to Ng, Figma CEO Dylan Field, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, OpenAI co-founder Andrej Karpathy, and — strangely enough — Bernard Arnault, the CEO of luxury goods giant LVMH, have all invested in Lamini.

AMD Ventures is also an investor (a bit ironic considering Diamos’ Nvidia roots), as are First Round Capital and Amplify Partners. AMD got involved early, supplying Lamini with data center hardware, and today, Lamini runs many of its models on AMD Instinct GPUs, bucking the industry trend.

Lamini makes the lofty claim that its model training and running performance is on par with Nvidia equivalent GPUs, depending on the workload. Since we’re not equipped to test that claim, we’ll leave it to third parties.

To date, Lamini has raised $25 million across seed and Series A rounds (Amplify led the Series A). Zhou says the money is being put toward tripling the company’s 10-person team, expanding its compute infrastructure, and kicking off development into “deeper technical optimizations.”

There are a number of enterprise-oriented, generative AI vendors that could compete with aspects of Lamini’s platform, including tech giants like Google, AWS and Microsoft (via its OpenAI partnership). Google, AWS and OpenAI, in particular, have been aggressively courting the enterprise in recent months, introducing features like streamlined fine-tuning, private fine-tuning on private data, and more.

I asked Zhou about Lamini’s customers, revenue and overall go-to-market momentum. She wasn’t willing to reveal much at this somewhat early juncture, but said that AMD (via the AMD Ventures tie-in), AngelList and NordicTrack are among Lamini’s early (paying) users, along with several undisclosed government agencies.

“We’re growing quickly,” she added. “The number one challenge is serving customers. We’ve only handled inbound demand because we’ve been inundated. Given the interest in generative AI, we’re not representative in the overall tech slowdown — unlike our peers in the hyped AI world, we have gross margins and burn that look more like a regular tech company.”

Amplify general partner Mike Dauber said, “We believe there’s a massive opportunity for generative AI in enterprises. While there are a number of AI infrastructure companies, Lamini is the first one I’ve seen that is taking the problems of the enterprise seriously and creating a solution that helps enterprises unlock the tremendous value of their private data while satisfying even the most stringent compliance and security requirements.”

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Robotic Automations

“IVP’s Eric Liaw talks Klarna controversy, succession plans, and fundraising in today’s market

When IVP recently announced the closing of its 18th fund, I called Eric Liaw, a longtime general partner with the growth-stage firm, to ask a few questions. For starters, wringing $1.6 billion in capital commitments from its investors right now would seem a lot more challenging than garnering commitments during the frothier days of 2021, when IVP announced a $1.8 billion vehicle.

I also wondered about succession at IVP, whose many bets include Figma and Robinhood, and whose founder and earlier investors still loom large at the firm — both figuratively and literally. A recent Fortune story noted that pictures of firm founder Reid Dennis remain scattered “in all sorts of places throughout IVP’s San Francisco office.” Meanwhile, pictures of Todd Chaffee, Norm Fogelsong and Sandy Miller — former general partners who are now “advisory partners” — are mixed in with the firm’s general partners on the firm’s website, which, visually at least, makes less room for the current generation.

Not last, I wanted to talk with Liaw about Klarna, a portfolio company that made headlines last month when a behind-the-scenes disagreement over who should sit on its board spilled into public view. Below are parts of our chat, edited for length and clarity. You can listen to the longer conversation as a podcast here.

Congratulations on your new fund. Now you can relax for a couple of months! Was the fundraising process any more or less difficult this time given the market?

It’s really been a choppy period throughout. If you really rewind the clock, back in 2018 when we raised our 16th fund, it was a “normal” environment. We raised a slightly bigger one in 2021, which was not a normal environment. One thing we’re glad we didn’t do was raise an excessive amount of capital relative to our strategy, and then deploy it all very quickly, which other folks in our industry did. So [we’ve been] pretty consistent.

Did you take any money from Saudi Arabia? Doing so has become more acceptable, more widespread. I’m wondering if [Public Investment Fund] is a new or existing LP. 

We don’t typically comment on our LP base, but we don’t have capital from that region.

Speaking of regions, you were in the Bay Area for years. You have two degrees from Stanford. You’re now in London. When and why did you make that move?

We moved about eight months ago. I’ve actually been in the Bay Area since I was 18, when I came to Stanford for undergrad. That’s more years ago than I care to admit at this point. But for us, expansion to Europe was an organic extension of a strategy we’ve been pursuing. We made our first investment in Europe back in 2006, in Helsinki, Finland, in a company called MySQL that was acquired subsequently by Sun [Microsystems] for a billion dollars when that was not run-of-the-mill. Then, in 2013, we invested in Supercell, which is also based in Finland. In 2014, we became an investor in Klarna. And [at this point], our European portfolio today is about 20 companies or so; it’s about 20% of our active portfolio, spread over 10 different countries. We felt like putting some feet on the ground was the right move.

There has been a lot of drama around Klarna. What did you make of The Information’s reports about [former Sequoia investor] Michael Moritz versus Matt Miller, the Sequoia partner who was more recently representing the firm and has since been replaced by another Sequoia partner, Andrew Reed?

We’re smaller investors in Klarna. We aren’t active in the board discussions. We’re excited about their business performance. In many ways, they’ve had the worst of both worlds. They file publicly. They’re subject to a lot of scrutiny. Everyone sees their numbers, but they don’t have the currency [i.e., that a publicly traded company enjoys]. I think [CEO and co-founder] Sebastian [Siemiatkowski] is now much more open about the fact that they’ll be a public entity at some point in the not-too-distant future, which we’re excited about. The reporting, I guess if accurate, I can’t get behind the motivations. I don’t know exactly what happened. I’m just glad that he put it behind them and can focus on the business.

You and I have talked about different countries and some of their respective strengths. We’ve talked about consumer startups. It brings to mind the social network BeReal in France, which is reportedly looking for Series C funding right now or else it might sell. Has IVP kicked the tires on that company?

We’ve researched them and spoken to them in the past and we aren’t currently an investor, so I don’t have a lot of visibility into what their current strategy is. I think social is hard; the prize is massive, but the path to get there is pretty hard. I do think every few years, companies are able to establish a foothold even with the strength of Facebook-slash-Meta. Snap continues to have a strong pull; we invested in Snap pretty early on. Discord has carved out some space in the market for themselves. Obviously, TikTok has done something pretty transformational around the world. So the prize is big but it’s hard to get there. That’s part of the challenge of the fund, investing in consumer apps, which we’ve done, [figuring out] which of these rocket ships has enough fuel to break through the atmosphere and which will come back down to earth.

Regarding your new fund, that Fortune story noted that the firm isn’t named after founder Reid Dennis as proof that it was built to outlive him. Yet it also noted there are pictures of Dennis everywhere, and others of the firm’s past partners, and now advisers, are very prominently featured on IVP’s site. IVP talks about making room for younger partners; I do wonder if that’s actually happening. 

I would say without question, it’s happening. We have a strong culture and tradition of providing people in their careers the opportunity to move up in the organization to the highest echelons of the general partnership. I’m fortunate to be an example of that. Many of my partners are, as well. It’s not exclusively the path at the firm, but it’s a real opportunity that people have.

We don’t have a managing partner and we don’t have a CEO. We’ve had people enter the firm, serve the firm and our LPs, and also as they get to a different point in their lives and careers, take a step back and move on to different things, which by definition does create more room and responsibility for people who are younger and now are reaching that prime age in their careers to help carry the institution forward.

Can I ask: do those advisers still receive carry?

You can ask, but I don’t want to get into economics or things along that dimension. So I’ll quietly decline [that question]. But we do value their inputs and advice and their contributions to the firm over many years.

There’s obviously a valuation reset going on for every company seemingly that’s not a large language model company, which is a lot of companies. I’d guess that gives you easier access to top companies, but also hurts some of your existing portfolio companies. How is the firm navigating through it all?

I think in terms of companies that are raising money, the ones that are most promising will always have a choice, and there will always be competition for those rounds and thus those rounds and the valuations associated with them will always feel expensive. I don’t think anyone has ever reached a great venture outcome feeling like, “Man, I got a steal on that deal.” You always feel slightly uncomfortable. But the belief in what the company can become offsets that feeling of discomfort. That’s part of the fun of the job.

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