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Tag: energy storage

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Alsym wants to 'light up homes for a billion people' with its new battery | TechCrunch

Lithium-ion batteries have transformed the global economy, making possible everything from smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles, e-bikes, and more. But while costs have dropped precipitously in the last decade or so, they’re still too expensive to electrify all the ways humans need to store energy.

With the advent of cheap solar, making electricity has never been cheaper or easier. But solar panels are no good when the sun sets. For solar to live up to its potential, there has to be an affordable way to store that power.

A lack of affordable energy storage has been holding back development in many countries. Although more people than ever before have access to electricity, some 3.5 billion still can’t get power reliably, and about 760 million have no electricity at all.

“You’ve got a whole generation that cannot study, a whole generation with no industry support, not even a small scale or even micro enterprises,” Mukesh Chatter, co-founder and CEO of Alsym Energy, told TechCrunch.

That’s what spurred Chatter, a serial entrepreneur, and his co-founders to start Massachusetts-based Alsym. “The initial goal was to light up homes for a billion people around the world who don’t get access to electricity, who are forced to live the life of the 19th century and are condemned to poverty. We wanted to break that cycle.”

Chatter has spent the last nine years working with his technical co-founders Nikhil Koratkar, Rahul Mukherjee and Kripa Varanasi to develop a low-cost, nonflammable battery chemistry. Now they think they’ve got it.

He won’t disclose the details but says that one electrode is a manganese oxide, which is an abundant mineral that’s already produced in mass quantities. The electrolyte is water-based, a departure from the flammable organic solvents used in lithium-ion batteries. Plus, both electrode materials “inherently will not allow dendrite formation,” he said, referring to the spiky crystals that can form on lithium-ion electrodes and short-circuit a cell.

The result is a battery that is less energy dense on a cell level than leading lithium-ion chemistries, but competitive on a pack level. That’s because the cells can be packed more closely together and need less safety equipment since they are safer operating at higher temperatures, Chatter said.

Alsym also says its batteries will be cheaper than lithium-ion, thanks to the less exotic materials and simpler packs. The startup is targeting around $50 per kilowatt-hour for its cells, significantly undercutting lithium-ion cell costs, which are currently $89 per kilowatt-hour.

To be clear: Alsym has only produced samples at this point, and its insistence on keeping its technology secret, which is understandable from a business perspective, makes it impossible to vet its effectiveness. Alsym’s first finished products should be available in 2025, Chatter says, at which point it will become obvious whether they work.

Alsym is chasing stationary storage as its initial market, and it plans to follow up a design that’s tailored for two-wheel EVs, which are popular in India, China, and Southeast Asia. After that, it’ll release another for plug-in hybrids. The company says it has already signed a deal with a large Indian automaker to provide batteries, though Chatter would not confirm which one.

On Wednesday, the company announced that it had raised a $78 million Series C round led by General Catalyst and Tata, the Indian conglomerate, with participation from Drads Capital, Thomvest and Thrive Capital.

Alsym plans to use the new funding to double the team from 50 to 100 and build two production lines, 1 megawatt-hour each in capacity, to provide samples to customers. Ultimately, it will partner with existing battery manufacturers, since Alsym’s batteries can be produced using existing equipment. Chatter said that the global wave of gigafactory construction is already resulting in excess capacity that his company hopes to take advantage of.

Chatter already has his sights set on other markets, including the steel industry. “Industrial applications are massive applications for stationary storage,” he said. “The world produces globally about 2 billion metric tons of steel, resulting in 4 billion metric tons of CO2. That’s more than all the passenger cars in the world combined.”

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Photoncycle targets low-cost energy storage with a clever hydrogen solution | TechCrunch

For years, the solar energy sector has grappled with interseasonal energy storage. The ability to harness the surplus solar energy of summer months for use during the winter has remained an elusive goal, with existing solutions like batteries falling short due to prohibitive costs and limited lifespans. Hydrogen, meanwhile, despite its clean-burning properties, has been sidelined due to inefficiency and high costs.

Photoncycle — a startup emerging from the depths of an accelerator in Oslo Science Park in Oslo, Norway — has been working on a solution. With a vision as bright as the summer sun, the startup claims its solid hydrogen-based technology can store energy more efficiently in an ammonia synthesis reactor. The claim is this tech does the storage more cost-effectively than any battery or liquid hydrogen solution on the market.


A schematic of how Photoncycle envisions its full system when installed at a house. Image Credits: Photoncycle

“Lithium-ion batteries use costly metals. Our material is super cheap: To store 10,000 kilowatt-hours, it costs around $1,500, so it’s almost nothing. In addition, our storage solution is 20 times the density of a lithium-ion battery, and you don’t lose the current,” founder and CEO Bjørn Brandtzaeg explains in an interview with TechCrunch. “That means we have a system where you can contain energy over time, enabling seasonal storage. It’s a completely different thing than traditional batteries.” 

Photoncycle employs water and electricity to produce hydrogen. That in itself isn’t uncommon if you’ve been following fuel cell vehicle technology. However, the company’s approach incorporates an innovative twist: a reversible high-temperature fuel cell. This advanced fuel cell can produce hydrogen and generate electricity within the same unit. 

The core of Photoncycle’s innovation lies in its treatment of hydrogen. They process the hydrogen and then utilize its technology to convert and store it in a solid form. The company claims this storage method is not only safe, owing to the non-flammable and non-explosive nature of the solid state, but also highly efficient. It enables hydrogen storage at densities approximately 50% greater than liquid hydrogen, presenting a significant advancement in hydrogen storage solutions. These innovations form the cornerstone of Photoncycle’s system, facilitating safe and dense hydrogen storage, which the company says is a huge step forward in energy technology.

Current clean energy solutions such as rooftop solar power are limited by inconsistent supply due to the unpredictable nature of weather conditions. A robust, reusable energy storage solution could bridge these timings, ensuring a stable energy supply when these renewable sources encounter unavoidable intermittent periods. 

Great in theory, but not without its own challenges.

“The Netherlands is the country in Europe with the highest density of rooftop solar. We are seeing a massive ramp now because of high energy prices; everyone wants solar on the roof,” Brandtzaeg says. He adds, however, that this method can backfire for homeowners: “In July last year, in the Netherlands, in the middle of the day, you had to pay €500 a megawatt hour to export your electricity.”

Putting the energy storage along with the house generating the power effectively lets houses go off-grid. Photoncycle says it has tested and worked the main components of its solution — the next step is to integrate it into a system. If successful, the company says it can seriously challenge Powerwall, Tesla’s lithium-ion battery solution.

David Gerez, CTO at Photoncycle, and Ole Laugerud, who is a Photoncycle chemist, in Photoncycle’s purpose-built lab, which has been operational for close to two years. Image Credits: Photoncycle

“This is a relatively complex system — that’s why we have so many PhDs in different disciplines working on this. The reason why Elon Musk said that hydrogen is stupid, is that when you convert electricity to hydrogen and back, you are losing quite a bit of energy,” Brandtzaeg says. He believes his company can turn this bug into a feature. “In a residential setting where 70% of energy needs are heating, there is an opportunity to use that excess heat to provide hot water. We will target markets where people are using natural gas for heating at the moment and then replace the gas boiler in the house using the existing water-based infrastructure.”

Brandtzaeg’s confidence regarding the concept’s operational framework is compelling. He gestured toward a small mock-up of their operations plant within their labs, scaled down to the size of a car battery. Brandtzaeg believes this scaling should be problem-free, citing it as the primary reason they felt confident moving forward with the project. 

When it comes to power delivery, it takes a little while for the hydrogen to generate electricity, so while it is spooling up, the company relies on an intermediary, more conventional, battery for load balancing. The firm certainly has investors’ attention: Photoncycle just raised $5.3 million (€5 million) to build its first few power storage devices in Denmark, which Photoncycle has chosen as its test market. 

“We could have raised 10 times as much as we did, given the interest. But after this raise, I’m still a majority owner,” Brandtzaeg says. “I wanted to keep control over the business as long as possible and not raise more capital than we need to bring this service to market.” 

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